Create domain redirects

Redirects allow you to redirect website traffic from one URL to another URL automatically. You can think of the URLs as a source URL and destination URL.

There are three different types of redirects:

  • 301-Permanent: This redirect permanently points a URL to a new URL
  • 302-Temporary: This redirect temporarily points a URL to a new URL
  • 303-Replaced: The URL has been replaced (Note: This type of redirect is not common)

In most instances, you will create 301-Permanent redirects.

Redirects can be from one page to another on the same domain name, like in Example A below.
Redirects can also be from one domain name to another domain name, like in Example B below.

  • Example A: (source URL) (destination URL)
  • Example B: (source URL) (destination URL)

Domain redirects

You can create redirects on your hosting control panel.

1. Log in to your hosting control panel

2. Click the down arrow next to your 🌐 domain name and choose the domain you want to manage

⚠️ If you are redirecting a domain name to another domain name, make sure both the source and destination domain names are added to your hosting control panel. If they are not, go to add a domain name to your hosting account before continuing with the steps below.

3. Click on the Domain Redirects button

4. Click on the + Create New Redirect button

5. You will get an Add New Redirect popup window:

  • Local URL Path: Put in your full source URL
  • Redirect Type: Select your redirect type (In most cases, you will use the 301 – Permanent)
  • Destination URL: Type in your destination URL with https://

Once the fields are completed, click the Create button. In our example below, we have created a redirect from one page to another on the same domain name.

⚠️ If your redirect is from one domain name to another, make sure the nameservers on both the source and destination domain names are updated and pointed correctly.

6. Your redirect is now in place. As long as the DNS (nameserver) settings on your source URL (and destination URL, if applicable) are correct and propagated, you can open your browser to load and see your domain redirect in action. On the first load, it is recommended to check on an incognito or private window on your internet browser to load a new session and avoid any cache.

Subdomains redirects

If you’d like to redirect a subdomain, you will not use the Domain Redirects tool but rather add a snippet to the .htaccess file of the subdomain.

You can access your subdomain .htaccess from the hosting control panel.

1. Open and follow this guide to access the .htaccess file of your subdomain: Manage and edit .htaccess file

⚠️ Double-check that you have accessed the .htaccess file of your subdomain before moving to the next steps.

2. In your subdomain’s .htaccess file, use the following snippet format to create a redirect, replacing with the domain name of the website you want to redirect your subdomain to:

Redirect 301 /

The target domain can be any type of URL you’d like, whether a regular domain or a different subdomain. For example, if we have a subdomain called (source) and we want to redirect it to (target), the following snippet would go into the .htaccess file of

Redirect 301 /

Below is a visual example of how that snippet will look inside of the .htaccess file. Keep in mind that every .htaccess file is unique and will contain varying amounts of information. As long as the snippet goes on its own and a separate line inside of the .htaccess file, the redirect will work.

3. Once your snippet is in place, click the Save File button in the .htaccess file to activate the subdomain redirect