Reset your MerchantMoms store admin password

1. Go to your website store admin login page. Your store admin login page URL is: 

Important: Replace in the store admin login URL with your actual domain name.

2. On the store admin login page, click on Forgot your info?

3. Enter the email address⚠️ associated with your store admin and click the Reset Password button

⚠️ Note: You must use the email address associated with your store admin, or else the password reset will not work.

4. Go to your email account mailbox and check for your new store admin password. Make sure to check your inbox in addition to spam/junk folders.

5. Return to your website store admin login page. Enter your username⚠️ and new password and click the Enter button.

⚠️ Note: Unless you set a personalized username, your store admin username will always be admin