Install apps on hosting account

You can install popular PHP apps such as Joomla, PrestaShop, Drupal, Moodle and Abante Cart, among many other on your hosting account.

To install an app, you can go through the Softaculous Auto Installer or App Manager shortcut buttons in your hosting control panel. The process to install any app is nearly identical. In this guide, we will install PrestaShop to provide an example.

1. Log in to your hosting control panel

2. If you haven’t done so already, add your domain name to your hosting

3. Scroll down and under the App Manager section*, click on PrestaShop

*Note: If you do not see the app you’d like to install listed under the App Manager section, click on the Softaculous App Installer button instead. In there, you can search for your app, and if available, complete the installation process using the steps that follow below.

4. You’ll be redirected to the installation page, click on the Install Now button

5. Click the dropdown under Choose Installation URL to select the domain name you want to install your app on. Fill in your Admin Email. There will be a Admin Password auto-generated for you. Take note of your Admin Email and Admin Password in a secure spot – you will need them to sign in. Once noted down, click the Install button.

6. Once the installation completes, you’ll return to the app’s main page. To sign in, under the Admin section, click directly on the person icon 👤 . That will either sign you directly into your app, or give you a sign in page. On the sign in page, put in your Admin Email and Admin Password to sign in.