Manage spam score for incoming email
A spam score for incoming email is a system that checks how likely an email is to be spam, giving it a score based on certain red flags; emails with high scores are more likely to be filtered out as unwanted spam.
You can manage the spam score on your incoming email from your hosting control panel.
1. Log in to your hosting control panel
2. Click on the Spam Management button

3. Locate the Basic Configuration section
4. Under Blocking strategy, select where spam emails should be sent (Inbox, Main Spambox, User Spambox, Delete)

5. Under High score block, select where to send emails with a high spam score

6. Scroll down and click the Save Configuration button for the Basic Configuration section

7. Locate the Advanced Configuration section
8. Under Global threshold, select a spam score (Low, Medium, High) or set your own custom score

9. Scroll down and click the Save Configuration button for the Advanced Configuration section (Note: The Save Configuration button is under the Spam delivery section).