WordPress Site Health guidelines
WordPress Site Health is a tool in the WordPress admin dashboard that provides a suggestion box of recommendations for your website.
Please keep in mind that WordPress Site Health is a suggestions box and not direct indicators of your website performance or functionality. Depending on your website, the Site Health box will have different suggestions, we have provided a general guideline for navigating it below.
The WordPress Site Health Status area displays scores along with critical issues and recommended improvements. It’s broken down into two main components: Security and Performance.
You will see two tabs on the WordPress Site Health box:
- Status This is where the overall health of your site is displayed
- Info This tab is the place to find comprehensive data about your WordPress configuration

The status tab will provide a suggestion box of recommendations you can take action on – these action steps will vary depending on your website, use these steps as a general guideline:
Improve security measures
1. Update all plugins and themes to their latest versions – you may want to consider WordPress automatic updates
2. Remove inactive plugins
3. Remove inactive themes
4. Make sure you’re using the latest version of PHP compatible with your WordPress
5. Activate any recommended PHP module extensions
Here is an example of what the security measure tabs would look like (this will vary by website), you’d click the V on each one to view details:

Improve performance measures
1. Remove any inactive plugins and themes
2. Make sure your website is using the latest version of WordPress (to check, go to Dashboard > Updates)
3. Open and review the suggestions here: Fix a slow website
4. You may see a notice saying You should use a persistent object cache as a performance recommendation – you can ignore this notice. On the Skystra hosting platform, it offers no benefits. However, you can review: Cache plugins for WordPress websites
Here is an example of what the performance measure tabs would look like (this will vary by website), you’d click the V on each one to view details:

Resolve direct items
The Site Health Status box will often list specific actionable items with direct links to the affected areas or settings. If you see any listed, you can:
1. Click on the provided link or button to go directly to the issue
2. Follow the on-screen instructions to resolve the issue
3. Recheck Site Health Status to check on the issue status
Some problems may require advanced actionable steps that require delving into code or website configuration. In these cases – consulting with a website developer is recommended.
However, please always keep in mind that WordPress Site Health is a suggestions box and not direct indicators of your website performance or functionality.