Manage your wp-config.php file
The wp-config.php
file is a configuration file for WordPress, containing essential settings such as database connection information and unique authentication keys.
1. Log in to your hosting control panel
2. Click on the File Manager button
3. Double-click on the domains folder
4. Find your website folder and double-click on it
5. Double-click on the public_html folder
6. Find the wp-config.php file and right-click on it
7. From the dropdown, select Edit
8. Find the section you want to view and/or edit, and apply your edits
⚠️ Important: Be careful when applying edits to the wp-config.php file, you should only do so when instructed or if you are an experienced user. Otherwise, please consult a website developer.
9. Once you’ve completed your edits, click the Save File button and then X to close the session