Manage users on your WordPress website
A WordPress user is an individual with access to log into a WordPress website. There are a range of user roles and permissions, we will cover them in this guide.
WordPress user roles and permissions
- Administrator: Has full and complete access to all the administrative features
- Editor: Can publish and manage posts including the posts of other users
- Author: Can publish and manage their own posts
- Contributor: Can write and manage their own posts but cannot publish them
- Subscriber: Can only manage their profile and read content
When you install WordPress, the user that is generated by default is an Administrator. As an administrator, you can manage other users, as in add and/or delete users, or edit existing user permission levels and credentials.
Edit existing WordPress user
Use the steps below to edit an existing WordPress user:
1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard
2. Click on Users
3. Locate the user and hover over it
4. Click on Edit
5. Review settings and apply your updates
6. Once updates are completed, click on the Update Profile button at the bottom
Add new WordPress user
Use the steps below to edit an add a new WordPress user:
1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard
2. Click on Users
3. Select Add New User
4. Fill in a Username (required)
5. Fill in an Email (required)
6. The first name, last name and website fields are optional
7. Take note of the password
8. Keep the Send User Notification box checked off (unless you do not want to send a notification)
9. Assign a role based on the permission level you’d like the new user to have
10. Click the Add New User button
Here is an example of the full add new screen:
Delete existing WordPress user
Use the steps below to delete an existing WordPress user:
1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard
2. Click on Users
5. If prompted and required, assign the user data to another user
6. Click the Confirm Deletion button