Insert code header or footer of your WordPress website

Code insertion allows you to integrate third-party services, add tracking codes and customize your website appearance or functionality.

To insert code in the header or footer of your WordPress website, you can use a free plugin.

1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard
2. Hover over Plugins and click Add New Plugin

3. Search for the Insert Headers and Footers plugin

4. Click on the Install Now button

5. Once installed, click on the Activate button

6. From the WordPress menu, click on Settings
7. From the dropdown, click on Insert Headers and Footers

8. You’ll be taken to the plugin’s settings page where you’ll see two text boxes: one for the header and one for the footer, they’ll be called Scripts in Header and Scripts in Footer

9. To insert code in the header, copy the code you want to add and paste it into the Scripts in Header text box
10. To insert code in the footer, copy the code you want to add and paste it into the Scripts in Footer text box

Here is an example in the Header with an example code snippet inserted:

11. Once you’ve pasted the code, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the Save Changes button to save your changes