Find and contact developer support for specific WordPress plugins and themes

If you run into problems with a specific plugin or theme on your WordPress website, you can contact development team who build the plugin or theme, they know their code best and will be able to provide insight.


1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard
2. Click on Plugins from the menu

3. Locate the plugin you’re having trouble with from the list, in our example, we’ll use Yoast SEO
4. Locate and click on View details under the Description column of your plugin

5. You will get a popup, in the popup, look for the Author: field – the development team who made the plugin is indicated to the right – click on their name

6. This will redirect you to the plugin’s development team website
7. Locate the Help page to view documentation and/or forum threads where your question may be answered

8. You can also locate the Contact page to submit a request


1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard
2. Click on Appearance from the menu

3. Hover over your active theme and click the Theme Details button, in our example, we’ll use the Astra theme

4. Look for the By field – the development team who made the theme is indicated to the right – click on their name

5. This will redirect you to the theme’s development team website
6. Locate the Help page to view documentation and/or forum threads where your question may be answered. You can also locate the Contact page to submit a request.