Cancel services
You can cancel services from your user portal.
Hosting services
→ All cancellations take immediate effect
→ Once a hosting service is canceled, all data is deleted and no longer accessible
1. Log in to your Skystra user portal
2. If you have multiple hosting services, select the correct one from the dropdown. If you only have one hosting service, it will be selected by default.

3. Under Actions, locate and select Request Cancellation

4. In the Briefly Describe your reason for Cancellation, you can put it in a comment
5. If you have a domain name registration that matches the domain name tied to your hosting service, you will also see a Cancel Domain Renewal? section. If you want to cancel that domain name
registration, check the box next to I confirm I do not want to renew this domain again
6. Review your request and click the Request Cancellation button

If you submitted a cancellation by mistake, click here.
Domain name registrations
→ Canceling a hosting service does not cancel all domain name registrations connected to your account. Follow the steps below to cancel additional domain name registrations.
1. Log in to your Skystra user portal
2. Click on Domains from the menu

3. Locate your domain name and click the 3 dots … to the right of it
4. Select Auto Renewal Status from the dropdown

5. Toggle OFF the Auto Renewal Status

You will need to repeat these steps for each domain name you want to cancel. By disabling the toggle, your domain name registration(s) will not renew and will automatically expire on the registration expiration date.