Lost Two-Factor (2FA) code and locked out of account
If you are locked out of your customer portal account because you cannot access the device where you setup your 2FA code for your customer portal account, follow the steps below.
Step One: Locate your backup code
Don’t have access to your backup code? Go to Step Two below.
When you enabled two-factor authentication, you were given a backup code that you should have been saved in case you lost access to the device where your 2FA code is connected. If you have your backup code, you can use it for one login session into your customer portal account.
1. Go to the Skystra user portal login page
2. Log in with your usual login credentials
3. Click the Login using the Backup Code link next to Can’t Access Your 2nd Factor Device? heading on the Two-Factor Authentication page
4. Enter your backup code into the text box
5. Click Login
6. You will be logged in and a new backup code will be generated under Your New Backup Code is. Write down your new backup code in a safe place and then click on the Continue button to log in to your customer portal.
7. Once logged in, click on your profile name at the top right and from the dropdown, click on Security Settings
8. Click on the Click here to Disable button.
9. On the Disable Two-Factor Authentication popup, enter your customer portal password and click the Disable Two-Factor Authentication button, and then click the Close button
10. If you have a new device ready where you can receive a new 2FA code and want to re-enable 2FA on your customer portal, please go here: Enable Two-Factor (2FA) authentication
Step Two: Submit an account access recovery request
If you cannot access the device where your 2FA code is connected and do not have your backup code, you will have to submit an account access recovery request.
1. Open and submit an account access recovery request. In the message of your request, confirm the following information:
- Your full name:
- Your email address:
- Your domain name:
2. Once our team receives your account access recovery request, we will follow up to outline any additional steps required within 1 business day.